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Written Content

The following examples include blogs on different formats and occasions. The first example is a blog written for a previous internship with Image west on Intern life. The second is a blog written for the Odessey, something a little lighter and targeted toward college students. The third example is a blog written for FMG, as a connection to farmers across the United States.

In my professional work history, I have managed many Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest pages for various businesses. Some of these including: Agricultural companies, Automobile/Used car pages, Fraternity pages, Irrigation companies, Equipment manufacturers, auctions, and many more. Currently, I manage social media for Delta Sigma Pi Professional Business Fraternity. Many single organic posts reached over 850,000 users across the world and weekly traffic of over 1,000,000.

Social Media

SVA Bateman Project

SVA Bateman Competition

As a senior at Western Kentucky University, I competed in the Bateman competition for PR students. Our goal was to raise awareness of the resources and services to military men and women through SVA. We conducted a campaign along with a month long implementation phase for a community and technical college in Bowling Green, Kentucky. This attached pictures are our booklet.

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